Superfamily Littorinoidea
Terrestrial Littorinoidea
The Littorinoidea are operculate, gilled snails, both marine and terrestrial. There are five extant families, but only one contains terrestrial species, Pomatiidae, with two subfamilies, Annulariinae and Pomatiinae. Some authors consider the Annulariinae to be a separate family (Annulariidae). The genera with terrestrial species are listed below, by family. Distributions were taken from Compendium of Landshells by R. Tucker Abbott, the Discover Life web site, and the malacos.chez web site.
Family Pomatiidae
Subfamily Annulariinae [=Chondropomatidae]
Abbottella | Dominica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, French Polynesia |
Adamsiella | Jamaica, Martinique Is., Guyana, Guatemala, Trinidad, Guadeloupe, Antigua, Barbuda, Jamaica |
Annularia | Cuba, Jamaica, Belize, Mexico (Yucatan) |
Blaesospira | Cuba |
Choanopoma | |
Choanopomops | |
Chondropoma | Cuba, Florida, Bahamas, Dominica |
Chondropometes | |
Chondrothyra | Cuba |
Chondrothyrella | Cuba |
Chondrothyretes | |
Chondrothyrium | |
Christophipoma | |
Cistulops | Dutch Antilles |
Clydonopoma | |
Colobostylus | |
Colonella | |
Crossepoma | |
Ctenopoma | |
Dallsiphona | |
Diplopoma | |
Eutudora | |
Eyerdamia | |
Haitipoma | |
Hendersonina | Cuba |
Jamaicia | |
Kisslingia | |
Klattea | |
Lagopoma | |
Licina | Puerto Rico |
Meganipha | Dominica |
Opisthocoelicum | |
Opisthosiphon | Bahamas, Cuba |
Orcuttipoma | |
Parachondria | Jamaica |
Parachondrops | |
Ramsdenia | |
Rhytidopoma | |
Rhytidothyra | Cuba |
Rolleia | |
Sallepoma | |
Torrella | |
Troschelvindex | |
Tudora | Jamaica, Dutch Antilles |
Turrithyra | Cuba |
Weinlandipoma | |
Xenopoma | Cuba |
Xenopomoides |
Subfamily Pomatiidae [=Pomatiasidae]
Acroptychia | |
Cyclotopsis | Madagascar, Mauritius Isl. |
Georgia | Somalia |
Leonia | Spain, Morocco |
Ligatella | |
Lithidion | |
Pomatias | Europe, Canary Ids., Morocco, Georgia, Malta |
Socotora | |
Tropidophora | Madagascar, South Africa, Mayotte Isl. |
Tudorella | Europe |